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A member registered Jun 18, 2021

Recent community posts

Disappointed with lack of content?

The reason you're able to purchase the game is to fund future versions, that's basically how every pr0n game on here works.


One of the only pr0n games with actually good, thought-out art. Outstanding work, I'm more invested in the story than I thought I would be.

You can romance all of them??? I thought the game was a one girl, one route type of deal.

I also get the Olivia bug, pretty annoying.

(1 edit)

A little laggy but an overall great game, excited for the next version.

Why would it?

You can barely call that an update, especially considering how long it took.

Not why they haven't posted on Disc for 5 months, that's not well known.

Found out, just work on the computer.

Download the web-app

Wouldn't say unplayable but the Olivia or whatever route, is completely f'd.

Un and re install

Itch is kinda weird, you have to un-install the entire game and just re-install the latest version. 1.5f or something.

How do I get cash?

It's pretty simple? Scrawny looking retard, "bullied" by everyone, even the fat fuck, suddenly looks normal after 15secs of "training"? Then they're all suddenly friends who hang out together.

No??? Who's playing a porn game for porn only? Just watch porn.


The "story" is shit

When's the next update? I'll literally pay.

How exactly do i get new missions?

I've had problems with trying to survive past day 15 due to mental health. Walks don't let me regenerate because I get hungry and when I get hungry; I eat the vegetables and they drain my mental health again.  Even sleeping drains it.

How do I improve my mental health and keep it up?
